Neighbourhood Plan
October 2015 – below you will find a log of all progress we made on our Neighbourhood plan including minutes from 2013 to 2015
Ardingly Neighbourhood Plan was voted in favour by the Parish on the 5th March 2015. The total number of votes made was 498 with one paper wholly void for uncertainty. 438 voted ‘YES’ and 59 voted ‘NO’. This was a turnout of 35.1% which was fantastic.
The Parish Council would like to thank those that took the time to go and vote and all those that gave their input on what really is a plan that the neighbourhood created.
Declaration of Result of Poll 05.03.15
Ardingly Neighbourhood Plan moves forward to Referendum
Ardingly Neighbourhood Plan Referendum will be held on Thursday, 5th March 2015 and voting will take place at Hapstead Hall between 7 am and 10 pm. Residents should have received their voting cards and further information will be delivered to residents in the next few weeks in the form of a flyer and article in the Village Voice. If you wish to see a copy of the plan this is available on the Mid Sussex District Council link below, together with further information for voters. A hard copy will be available at the Parish Clerks surgery on Tuesday mornings.
Read the Parish Council Press Release relating to the Examination below
Ardingly Parish Council NP Press Release 17.11.14
On the 3rd November 2014 Mid Sussex District Council received the Independent Examiner’s report on the Ardingly Neighbourhood Plan. The report concludes that with a few minor modifications the Plan should proceed to referendum. The full report can be viewed below:
End of consultation period
October 2014 – Following the completion of the consultation period that ended on the 31st July 2014, MSDC and Ardingly Parish Council have appointed Nigel McGurk BSC (Hons) MBA MCD MRTPI as the examiner for the Ardingly Neighbourhood Plan. The written representations summary from the consultation are below.
Ardingly NP Summary of Representations
June 2014 – Neighbourhood Plan :Mid Sussex District Council have made the Ardingly Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documents available for public inspection. The consultation period runs from the 19th June 2014 for a period of 6 weeks until the 31st July 2014 and invites anyone to make representations.
The final submission documents are available to view below.
Submission Ardingly Neighbourhood Plan
Ardingly Neighbourhood Plan Submission Sustainability Appraisal
Ardingly Neighbourhood Plan Basic Condition Statement
Ardingly Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Statement
Following the end of the consultation period, an ‘independent examiner’ will then be appointed to carry out the independent examination of the Neighbourhood Plan, the appointment will be agreed with the Parish Council and Mid Sussex District Council.
Following the examination, the examiner will issue a report to Mid Sussex District Council and Ardingly Parish Council. If the plan meets the basic conditions, the examiner will recommend that the plan proceeds to the referendum stage, or may suggest further modifications are needed to the plan so that it meets the basic conditions before it can proceed to the referendum.
Thank you to all those who took the time to respond to our consultation which ended on the 24th September. We had a very good number of responses, in total 356. When respondents were asked if they supported the Ardingly Neighbourhood Plan, 194 said ‘yes’, 100 said ‘no’, 48 said ‘yes, if their comments were addressed and 15 were undecided. The document detailing the responses is below for your information.
Grant Funding News
Ardingly Parish Council are pleased to advise that we have been successful in obtaining a grant awarded by the Supporting Communities in Neighbourhood Planning Programme led by Locality in association with RTPI/Planning Aid England, CDF and partners, available through the My Community Rights website. This grant will assist us with the costs of consultant fees to help us with the next stages of our Neighbourhood Plan and further printing costs in the sum of £4,130.
Ardingly Neighbourhood Pre-submission Plan has now been published. Consultation will run from Tuesday 13th August 2013 to Tuesday 24th September 2013. Please find the presentation materials from our exhibition on August 30th and 31st here:
Ardingly Neighbourhood Plan Presentation
To read the Neighbourhood Plan, please click here: 2013-08-13 Ardingly Parish Neighbourhood Pre-Submission Plan.
The draft sustainability assessments can be found here: 2013-08-13 ANP Draft Sustainability Assessment
Please send any comments on either of these documents either:
1) by using our e-survey at:
2) by email to: [email protected]
3) in writing to: Ardingly Parish Clerk, c/o The Post Office, 37 High Street, Ardingly, RH17 6TB. Please ensure you include your name and address otherwise your comments cannot be taken into account.
Working Documents
Below you can find many of the working documents that were used to build the plan.
Sequential Test for the Ardingly Neighbourhood Plan
Note from consultant regarding draft pre submission ANP
Ardingly Parish Neighbourhood Plan Site Assessments
Draft Objectives for the Neighbourhood Plan
Feedback Analysis from Focus Group Meeting Jan13
Meeting Notes from Focus Group Meeting Jan13
Landscape Character Assessment Please note if you require a copy of the Appendices that go with the Landscape Character Assessment, please request these from the Clerk as the documents are too large to upload to the website. Thank you.
Designation of Neighbourhood Plan Area Confirmation_16.07.12
Scoping Report for Sustainability Objectives, 30 April 12
Ardingly settlement characterisation statement
small settlement characterisation High Weald
Map of character components of Ardingly parish
Neighbourhood Plan Frontrunners fifth wave grant determination, March 2012
Wave 5 scheme, Ardingly Neighbourhood Plan
Statement on progress of Neighbourhood Plan
Neighbourhood Plan Presentation
Landscape Assessment Exhibition Board 1
Landscape Assessment Exhibition Board 2
Ardingly Landscape Detailed Assessment Plan
Ardingly Parish Landscape Capacity Assessment
Ardingly Parish character areas
Neighbourhood Plan Committee Terms of Reference
Neighbourhood Plan Committee Meeting Minutes