Village Plan
The Ardingly Village Plan was published in November 2010 after extensive consultations with all sections of the community and adoption by the parish council in October 2010. It can be viewed here by clicking on this link, or is available from the parish office on Tuesday mornings. A summary leaflet was distributed to all households in June 2010, and this can also be viewed by clicking on this link.
Many of the ‘actions’ identified in the Plan are already underway. Some can be achieved quickly and easily while others will require many years of concerted effort to bring about success.
Ardingly is one of five parishes across East and West Sussex recently chosen to take part in the ‘Community 21 Pilot Project’, an online system being developed by Action in rural Sussex (AirS) in partnership with the University of Brighton. This will be of benefit to all communities who are engaged in developing or implementing their own community led plan or, in the term now being used by the Government, neighbourhood plan.