Major Planning & Development

Proposed Development of the Showground Red Car Park (SA25)


* this means its content is being regularly reviewed and edited

Ardingly Parish Council

Response to the Charterhouse community newsletter

Most, if not all, of you will have received the first Charterhouse community newsletter in your letter box. In it Charterhouse outlines two proposals: option 1 for 70 homes and option 2 for 100 homes and asks for your feedback.

Options: 100, 70 – or even fewer homes

Your council, and most of the village that responded to our survey in the summer, believe that neither option is viable. In our representation to the national inspector during the second consultation in the late summer of last year, we presented a well-argued case that 70 houses was still a ‘major’ development in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) in contravention of the governments National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). We asked for a further reduction to address this issue.

We are currently waiting for the opportunity to present our case directly to the national Inspector. Encouragingly the Inspector, in his recent letter to Mid Sussex District Council (MSDC), expressed his concern about the number of developments in an AONB that MSDC are proposing in their district and how they came to the conclusion that these developments are ‘not a major development’.

Benefits to the village

Charterhouse is offering the village a new scout hut, school drop-off zone and public open space, but only with the 100 home option. Your council believes that these offers are perfectly viable from a financial and layout perspective, both for the 70 home and smaller options. In fact Charterhouse had provisionally offered the whole area to the west of the 70 home option as public open space.

Most of the benefits described on page 2 under option one are available to the village right now – with no homes at all, and the parking included is wholly in the proposed development.

Finally, it is worth noting that developers are obliged to provide funds to improve community infrastructure at the county, district and village level. This funding is roughly proportional to the number of homes built and your parish council will be arguing for our fair share of those funds.


Thank you for taking the time to read this far and we hope that this information is useful. We encourage you to respond to the Charterhouse feedback form; when completing the form, if you feel that you do not like any options to a specific question, feel free to strike through (invalidate) that question and/or give an alternative answer.

Please be assured that your Parish Council is doing all that we can to support the will of the village to significantly reduce or stop this development, as per your responses to the survey we held last summer.

Further information

At our monthly Parish Council meeting on Tuesday, 13th April, we will be discussing next steps. See link below:

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Draft Site Allocations DPD (Regulation 19)

Mid Sussex District Council has published the Submission Draft Site Allocations DPD for public consultation.

The District Plan sets out the housing and employment needs for the district for the period to 2031 and committed the Council to preparing a Site Allocations DPD in order to find sufficient housing and employment sites to meet the remaining need.

The Submission Draft Site Allocations DPD recommends allocation of:

  • 22 housing sites of which the Red Car Park at the Showground is one (SA25)
  • 7 employment sites
  • Science and Technology Park


The consultation is open from 3rd August until midnight on 28th September 2020.

Responses to the consultation can be communicated to MSDC in the following ways:


Please see below for Parish Council identified primary references to support your involvement in the Public Consultation

SA25 Open Event 12.09.20 – Landscape Posters FINAL 07.09.20

SA25 Open Event 12.09.20 – Portrait Posters FINAL 07.09.20

The Parish Council is currently experiencing difficulties uploading the recording of the SA25 Online Q&A Session hosted by the Parish Council on the 15th September 2020 and is working on the issue as a matter of priority.

MSDC DPD Timeline

MSDC site-allocations-developement-plan-document-submission-draft-july-20 (DPD)

Site Allocations DPD – Ardingly Infrastructure Delivery Plan SA25 March 2020


Ardingly Property Development Have Your Say Sept 2020; Open Event Invitation

MSDC Press Release 2nd Consultation

Guidance Notes for making representations on the Submission Draft Site Allocations

MSDC SA25 site-allocations-consultation-form


Posters – Open Day 9.11.19_1

SA 25 APC response to MSDC – 20.11.19 Final

APC SA25 submission to MSDC Scrutiny Commitee


Policies to support your responses





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