Meeting of the Staffing and Pay Committee

A meeting will be held Tuesday 21st March 2023 of the Staffing and Pay Committee.


Councillor D. Stutchbury
Councillor C. Hotblack
Councillor M. Meldrum
Councillor R. Chalk

Due to the nature of the meeting, members of the public will not be allowed to attend.

Venue: The Reading Room, Hapstead Hall

Time: 7.30pm


0123 Procedural Matters
0123.1 To accept apologies for absence
0123.2 To accept any declarations of interests
0123.3 To vote to exclude the press and/or public from the discussion of item 0223 “Confidential Staffing Matters” due to the confidential nature of this item

0223 Confidential Staffing Matters
0223.1 Confidential Staffing Matter 1
0223.2 Confidential Staffing Matter 2

0323 Any other pertinent matters previously notified to Committee Chair and Clerk

0423 Future meeting dates
0423 To consider any future known necessary dates for meetings and allocate appropriately


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