Parish Council Committees, Working Parties and Liaison Teams
We have a wide range of formal and informal forums for the discussion and advancement of every aspect of our village.
Recreation Ground & OS Committee agenda – 1st February 2024
Recreation Ground & OS Committee minutes DRAFT – 1st February 2024
Mr. C. Hotblack (Chair), Vacant (Vice Chair) Mrs. R. Chalk, Mrs. M. Meldrum, Mr. J. Paul, Mr. D. Port,
*inc representatives Jamie McNamara (Ardingly Cricket Club), Richard Watson (Ardingly Football Club) & Nick Potter (Ardingly Tennis Club).
Objectives & responsibilities
Manage all the Recreation Ground facilities including the playground, pavilion, tennis courts and public toilets, and maintenance of Oaklands and Holmans.
The Committee works closely with the local sports clubs.
Current initiatives
Pavilion refurbishment
Recent initiatives
Tennis courts re-surfacing and fencing.
Childrens playground
Mr. R. Simmonds (Chair), Mr. C. Hotblack (Vice Chair), Mr. C. Guy, Mr. D. West, Mr. J. Paul
Objectives & responsibilities
• To comment on planning applications.
• To formulate and recommend the Parish Council’s response to planning and related consultations.
• To comment on licensing applications.
• To attend District Council Planning Committee meetings to represent the Councils views if required.
Comments might include:
– The effect of the proposed development on the appearance of the area;
– The quality of the design;
– Significant overbearing impact and loss of outlook;
– The economic benefits of the proposal
– Highway safety issues
– Loss of important trees
– Intrusion into the countryside
– Significantly increased noise and disturbance.
These do not include:
– Loss of view
– Loss of property value
– Loss of trade to a competitor
– Boundary and other disputes between neighbours
– Moral, religious issues
Recent initiatives
Showground red car park development (SA25) – Made multiple representations to reduced the housing count from 100 to the 35 houses that have now been agreed.
Mr. W. Meldrum (Chair), Mrs. R. Chalk (Vice Chair), Mr. C. Hotblack, Mrs. M. Meldrum, Mr. D. Port.
Objectives & responsibilities
• Preparation of annual budget process and recommendation of budget and precept to the Parish Council,
• Appointment of internal auditor,
• Conduct annual review of asset values,
• Review annual accounts prior to audit for agreement by Parish Council,
• Undertake annual risk management review.
• Review Financial Regulations and recommend them for [annual] adoption.
• Monitor compliance with Financial Regulations and Risk Assessment Management.
Recent initiatives
Revised bank accounts for on-line accessability for approvals, etc.
Preparing budget for 2024/2025
Mrs. R. Chalk (Chair), Mr. J. Paul, Mr. B. Strutton
Objectives & responsibilities
• To develop a plan for adoption by the Parish Council for dealing with emergencies.
• To maintain a directory of available accommodation, equipment, personnel, and services, and to liaise in this regard with the District and County emergency planning teams and adjacent parishes.
• To oversee implementation of the emergency plan when so authorised by the Parish Council (see Authority above).
• Manage other emergency issues as required by the Parish Council.
• To develop a “Winter Plan” for responding to severe weather conditions.
Mrs. M. Meldrum (Chair), Mrs. R. Chalk, Mr. W. Meldrum, Mr. D. Port.
Objectives & responsibilities
To oversee the organisation, employment, management and terms and conditions of employment of the Officers of the Council and where matters sit outside of the devolved responsibilities of the committee, they will submit recommendations to the Council for approval.
Current initiatives
Implementation of combined role of Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer. Induction of new Clerk and RFO.
Hall Clerk: Mr. J. Pearce
Mr. G. Ruse (Chair), Mrs. S. Chapman (Vice Chair), Mrs. N. Brown, Mrs R. Chalk, Mr. R. Simmonds, Mrs. D. Ruse, Mr. R Lawson, Mrs. F. Rocks, Mrs. R. Hodgson, Mrs. T. Baker, Ms. K. Meaden, Mrs. F. O’Leary, Mrs. T. Nelson, Mrs. K. James.
Objectives & responsibilities
• Management of a Hall Clerk, responsible for hall bookings and day to day administration including management accounts and finance.
• Maintenance of the building.
• Ensure compliance with health and safety and all other relevant controls and regulations.
• Maintain good risk controls including financial controls and risk insurance.
• Setting hiring policies and rates.
• Maximising use of the Hall and encouraging its use as a centre for community activities.
• Preparation of annual budgets for approval by the Trustee
• Review performance against budget quarterly and report performance half yearly to the Trustee.
• Comply with the rules of the Charity Commission
Current initiatives
High efficiency LED lighting.
Repairs to the roof.
Working Parties
Mr. D. West (Chair), Mrs. N. Brown, Mrs. R. Chalk, Mr. J. Paul
Objectives & responsibilities
To discuss and agree potential traffic management schemes and any other associated works or traffic related issues within the village.
Current initiatives
Proposal to WSCC Highways for improved pedestrian access in the village.
Mrs. M. Meldrum, Mr. D. Port, Mrs. S. Chapman and Mr. B. Sansom
Objectives & responsibilities
To guide compliance with the Environment Policy
Recent initiatives
Prepared and agreed an Environmental Policy for the parish coouncil
Mrs. N. Brown, Mr. J. Paul, Mrs. M. Meldrum, Mr. R. Simmonds
Objectives & responsibilities
• To identify areas within the Parish where Wellbeing can be improved
• To liaise with Community agencies to support the success of Community Events
• To attend Local Event meetings to represent the Councils views if required.
Recent initiatives
Christmas carols
Queens Jubilee street party.
Mr. J. Paul (Lead), Mrs. M Meldrum, Mr. W. Meldrum and Mr. D. West.
Objectives & responsibilities
• To improve the Parish Council’s communication with internal and external stakeholders.
• To recommend a way forward to develop the Parish Council’s communication strategy.
Current initiatives
Working on: Our website, GDPR compliance, External communications, Internal communications.
Mr C. Hotblack (Lead), Mr W. Meldrum, Mr. D. Port, Mrs. K. Surgeoner (local resident and lawyer)
Objectives & responsibilities
To prepare a rational response to MSDC’s plan to allow development of the South of England’s ‘Red car park’ for 100 houses.
Current initiatives
Keeping a watching brief for a prospective detailed planning application
Recent initiatives
Successfully reduced the proposed development from 100 houses to 35 houses.
Mrs. N. Brown, Mr. C. Guy, Mr. C. Hotblack, Mrs. M. Meldrum, Mr. W. Meldrum, Mr. D. Port, Mr. R. Simmonds, Adam Stephens (Ardingly British Legion) and Steve Korniotis (Ardingly British Legion.
Objectives & responsibilities
To agree with Royal British Legion (London) and Ardingly Royal British Legion Club the future of the building adjoining Hapstead Hall.
Current initiatives
Agree a mechanism to move the club from a British legion only members club to a Village Club.
Mrs. R. Chalk, Mr C. Hotblack, Mrs M. Meldrum, Mr D. Port, Mr. D. West.
Objectives & responsibilities
To deliver an upgraded pavilion, working in consultation with all users.
Current initiatives
Progressing with phase one of the complete refurbishment of the pavilion to allow sports teams to use facility.
Mr. C. Hotblack (Lead), Mr. D. Port, Mr. D. West
Objectives & responsibilities
To review the councils major assets in terms of their use and condition and report back with recommendation on maintenance requirements and potential improvements, including how to make better use of what we have.
This will give the council a baseline for prioritising expenditure and updating the Village Plan.
Current initiatives
Follow-up of agreed recommendations for major assets.
Recent initiatives
Completed review of major assets.
Mr. C. Hotblack, Mr. R. Simmonds, Mrs. S. Chapman (Hapstead Hall), Mr. A. Stephens (Ardingly British Legion)
Objectives & responsibilities
To propose a design for an attractive seating and meeting area for the village – ‘the village hub’, including customers of the British legion building, Cafe, Pub & Bakery.
This will complement the existing village hub located in Hapstead Hall.
To identify funding for the works.
Current initiatives
Working on WP objectives
Liaison Teams
Mr. C. Hotblack (Lead), Mrs. M. Meldrum, Mr. J. Paul.
Current Initiatives
Progressing a number of collaborative initiatives with Wakehurst.
Recent Initiatives
Evaluated designs for Village Hub produced by Plumpton College with the insight of the Wakehurst team.
Mrs. M. Meldrum (Lead), Mr C. Hotblack, Mr W. Meldrum, Mr D. Port.
Current Initiatives
To find a way to resolve issues arising from events held at the showground
Mrs. M Meldrum, Mr. J. Paul
Current Initiatives
Developing stronger relationships
Mrs. R. Chalk, Mr. D. Port.
Current Initiatives
Ongoing liaison
Mrs. M. Meldrum, Mr. C. Hotblack, Mr. D. Port.
Current Initiatives
Agreeing solutions to mitigate neighbouring resident concerns and working together on community volunteering opportunities.
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