Public Notice; Site Allocation DPD Public Consultation update:
Ardingly Parish Council would like to thank everyone who has taken the time to respond to MSDC regarding the Site Allocation Development Plan Document (DPD). These responses are important in helping to inform MSDC.
Following the Information Morning the Parish Council have also submitted a response to the Consultation which you can find below for your information. The response will also be available to view at the Tuesday Surgery held at Hapstead Hall each week between the hours of 10am and 12pm.
SA 25 APC response to MSDC – 20.11.19
Ardingly Parish Council have created a Working Party to focus on this important issue and will continue to facilitate the village and make representation through the process with MSDC and we will share further information with Parishioners as we progress.
So that you are aware the next steps from MSDC are as follows:
- Once MSDC have processed all of the responses, they will publish a summary report online. This is likely to be early next year.
- MSDC will be reporting back a summary of the issues raised per site/policy, and their response to these. Unfortunately they don’t have the resources to respond individually to each comment made by each respondent, however they will pick up the broad themes and highlight any areas that need addressing.
- Where it is necessary, MSDC will propose amedntments to the sites DPD; this will then be subject to a second consultataion, anticpated fpr spring next year. there is no specific date set at present however it will be advertised and the Parish Council will also advise once this date is set.
- The comments recived by MSDC during the round of consultataion will be submitted to the Planning Insoector alongside the submission (i.e MSDC’s final proposed version) of the sites DPD and all the evidence base documents.
- The Inspector will then examine all of the material and form a view on wether the sites DPD is sound and can be adopted. The examination is likely to be around the end of 2020.
Once again we thank everyone who has responded to this first consultation.
Ardingly Parish Council